Friday 8 June 2007

I'm taking the plunge!

After weeks of indecision I've decided to follow my heart, throw caution to the wind, take the plunge and book myself on the No Hands Massage Practitioners Course. It's a tough four days - with up to 11 hours of massage a day. It's not for the faint-hearted!

After completing the course I'll be a fully fledged No Hands practitioner. I'll be qualified to perform the flowing, powerful and transforming No Hands massage approach on the whole body.

I'm excited and also a bit nervous..... a bit like going to the dentist for root canal work. You know it's necessary and good for you but it's definitely going to hurt. Four days of massage boot camp and my thighs aren't going to know what's hit them.

No Hands Massage works very much on correct body alignment - both to save repetive strain injury for the therapist and also to give the client a wonderful gentle, yet powerful massage. All the momentum and power of the massage is driven from the core muscles in the trunk, hips and thighs. The flowing movements of the massage literally are a tai chi, yoga and legs, bums and tums class rolled into one. Who needs the gym?

I know for sure that my enthusiasm and committment to massage is going to increase exponentially to the fatigue I'll encounter during the course. Best of all, I'll have a whole new massage sequence to use on my clients.

Watch this space..........

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