Tuesday 10 July 2007

Look Mum .... No Hands!

Well, I survived my No Hands Practitioners Course and then took a week off. Then I started a new part-time job which has been hectic…… hence the big delay in posting anything new here.

I could regale you with horror stories of 11 hour days, tears and aching muscles but instead I’ll cut to the chase. A friend of mine asked me what the main thing was I’d learnt on the course. I have to say the first thing that sprang to mind wasn’t about the amazing new massage strokes I’d learnt. It was somewhat more profound and I rather surprised myself with the answer I blurted out…… IT’S NOT WHAT YOU DO IT’S THE WAY THAT YOU DO IT!

Ever had a massage when you’ve sensed the therapist wasn’t in the room with you? Where you felt no connection with them? You could have been anyone lying on that couch. The therapist was thinking about what to cook for their dinner and mindlessly kneading away at your muscles. Now, their technique may have been spot on.…. however, something vital was missing from their treatment.

As Gerry Pyves [that’s him with me] said many times throughout the course – it’s not just a body you’re massaging it’s a life! A person’s body is in constant flux and how you feel at any given moment is an accumulation of what has gone before and what is still to come. What makes a good practitioner into an OUSTANDING practitioner is being present with the client for every moment of the massage. Give your client 100% of your focus and energy.

I’ll be writing a series of short articles about No Hands Massage in the forthcoming weeks. So for those of you wondering what this No Hands malarkey is all about .... all shall be revealed soon.

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