Thursday 2 August 2007

Apple Juice Alleviates Asthma

Whilst looking through I came across an interesting study on how apple juice helps relieve asthma symptoms in children. I wonder if it would work with adults too?

Article on Healthypages

This prompted me find out more about asthma in the UK and why there's been a such a dramatic increase in the last 25 years. Currently the statistics for the UK are:

* 5.2m people in the UK are currently receiving treatment for asthma
* 1.1m children in the UK are currently receiving treatment for asthma
* Children in the UK are 3x more likely to report symptoms than in Europe
* There are more than 75,000 hospital admissions due to asthma p.a
* The symptoms caused by asthma cost the UK around £2.5 billion p.a

It would appear that a combination of bad diet, lack of exercise, pollution and stress exacerbate asthma symptoms.

Click on the link below to find out why people in the Med have fewer symptoms:

Meditteranean Diet Cuts Asthma Risks

Read more about about the benefits of exercise and tips on exercising with asthma:

Exercise and Asthma

Do complementary therapies help?

The Pros & Cons of Complementary treatments

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