Wednesday 19 September 2007

The Glass Is Half Full

The first time I saw the new Cadbury's ad I missed the very beginning, so had no idea what I was looking at. I immediately thought GENIUS! mainly because of the choice of music more than anything else.

Who would have thought to take the tragically unhip Phil Collins and transport "In The Air Tonight" into the 21st Century. For those of us who were wearing shoulder pads and earrings the size of saucers at the time, it's pure nostalgia. Those who weren't even a twinkle in their daddy's eye, are discovering the song for the first time. So much so that it entered the UK singles chart at No. 23 last week.

Whilst perusing The Guardian website I came across a brilliant article entitled "I wish I'd never heard of Phil Collins because that way I'd be able to appreciate In the Air Tonight for the great song it really is". I swear, hand on heart, I saw the ad again the other night and turned to Anthony and said "you've go to admit it's a good song" and he begrudgingly said "yes, even I like it".

Come on admit it - Phil is a dude right?

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