Saturday 1 December 2007

It's 01 December - advents calendars ahoy? lights a glowing?

My partner Anthony just loves Christmas. I woke up this morning to him inserting choccies into our felt advent calendars. He still has his from childhood. Yes, two adults with their very own advent calendars and not a child in sight. Now as regular readers will know, I'm not all that hot on Christmas but I do get pleasure out of watching the twinkling lights and yes, they're going up tomorrow.

I found this article on on how to "survive" Christmas. Quite bizarre isn't it, in this privileged society with rabid consumer spending and over indulgence, we deign to use the word survive. For heavens sake, talk to people in Africa or Iraq or Afghanistan about survival. Anyway, I won't go into a rant and I acknowledge that stress comes in many different guises and my last Christmas is testament to that. I've amended the terminology slightly to suit the U.K [ my amdendments are in italics]

So, here's some tips on how to take the Festive period in your stride [I'm avoiding the S word]:

1.Take time for yourself. YES, get a massage. Soak in a mineral bath. Listen to the silence of a snowfall [or in our case the dull, grey fog]. Even if there seems no possible moment you can claim as your own, close your eyes, breathe deep from your belly several times, exhaling the air loudly from your mouth. Do this whenever you need a "moment."

2. Utilise catalog/online shopping. Don't fight the crowds. From the convenience of your home or during an office lunch hour, catalog and online shopping can eliminate the headache of holiday stress tenfold.

3. Eat right. Some of the best goodies come out this time of year. While you shouldn't deny yourself the opportunity to have a piece of grandma's christmas pudding, don't overdo it. Remember to eat plenty of veggies and fruits to help stave off the winter's bombardment of colds.

4. Give yourself the advantage. Consumption of alcohol, nicotine, drugs and caffeine elicit the body's stress reaction. Remember moderation, you'll be happier and calmer in the long run.

5. Don't skimp on the exercise...but allow yourself to be excused from the routine when need be. Exercise helps melt the stress away and can provide that moment of clarity in a hectic day.

6. Don't try to be Delia Smith. It's easy to get caught up in the spirit of the holidays with new decorating ideas, fancy dinners and the whim to make all your gifts this year. Be realistic and honest with yourself. Don't set yourself up for failure. If you can afford to, and sanity is priceless after all, use Mark and Spencer or Waitrose's catering service. Have friends help by having a craft day. Forgo making gifts, or panic buying, and give a gift you'll know they'll appreciate -- a massage.

7. Remember the spirit. When it's all said and done, no one will remember that the turkey was a little dry, the roast potatoes were soggy and that the sweater didn't fit, . What do they remember? The precious moments with family and friends.

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