Monday, 10 August 2009

Anyone for a good "shmeissing"

I'm a long time fan of James Cracknell. Watching him and his team win the Olympic Gold reduced me to floods of tears. I also recently enjoyed watching "On Thin Ice" which was about his team racing to the South Pole. Besides seeing him in all his resplendent glory doing what bears usually do in the woods - on ice, I particularly liked the fact that he allowed himself to be portrayed in a less than flattering light. Even though he comes across as arrogant, stubborn and dangerously driven it gives an insight into the personality traits an olympian medallist probably has to have.

Anyway......I digress.......... he writes a column for the The Daily Telegraph and this week he wrote about a massage technique which he tried out called "shmeissing". This is a yiddish word for "beating" ..... I think you can work out the rest.

Read the article in full HERE

It's a real shame that James doesn't actually say how he felt after the treatment.

P.S I also found this article where the writer says the following:

"I am not a man lightly given to admitting to good health, yet so absolute are the relaxing, energising and stressbusting qualities of the shmeiss that even I emerge from a session with Big Lee feeling gleamingly clean (you wouldn't believe the gunk that emerges from a human back) and bereft of medical complaint".


Unknown said...

SHMEISSE yup that’s me no c in Shmeisse also no beatings although I can be hard on knots till they surrender. (They always do !!! James is a great guy but he's doing a journo piece, bit of exaggeration crept in Its 50 deg heat not 55 in the Russian steam room at the Porchester Spa. I had to hold him under the shower he would have fallen escaped !!! the shower if I had let go - He was that relaxed. After the Shmeisse. But he did jump in to the plunge pool unaided –or was he fleeing, He is a great athlete and has abused his muscles. However I tailor my strength to the clients needs not my skill. I shmeisse Ladies on Couples session after 4 pm every Sunday. By the way a good forty minutes sleep after the shmeisse is fabulous. Enjoy

Unknown said...

SHMEISSE yup that’s me no c in Shmeisse also no beatings although I can be hard on knots till they surrender. (They always do !!! James is a great guy but he's doing a journo piece, bit of exaggeration crept in Its 50 deg heat not 55 in the Russian steam room at the Porchester Spa. I had to hold him under the shower he would have fallen escaped !!! the shower if I had let go - He was that relaxed. After the Shmeisse. But he did jump in to the plunge pool unaided –or was he fleeing, He is a great athlete and has abused his muscles. However I tailor my strength to the clients needs not my skill. I shmeisse Ladies on Couples session after 4 pm every Sunday. By the way a good forty minutes sleep after the shmeisse is fabulous. Enjoy

hiddentiger said...

Thanks for getting in touch and letting us hear about your treatments from the "horses mouth" so to speak. I'll correct the spelling ;-)

Therapeutic Massage said...

Ouch! I think I will stick to conventional massage therapy!!

Ayurvedic Massage Training said...

I would like to introduce myself Anitha Mohanasundaram i am the head of operations for the company called Mooksha ayurveda based out of santa clara California. We bring in well qualified teachers in the field of ayurveda from India to teach the different ayurvedic massages and techniques in the USA

Our program would include a 5 day introductory course in the ayurvedic Massage and Body work.We come to your facility to train your students.

1. Introduction to ayurveda
2. Hands on training in the below treatments
c.Abhayanga Traditional Ayurvedic Massage
g.Ayurvedic facial
h.Mukha Abyanga

Our teachers have been teaching international students for many years and they are well qualified doctors in the field of ayurveda.

For more information contact us

Phone : 408-982-9113
Email :

For Mooksha ayurveda
Anitha Mohanasundaram.

hiddentiger said...

Hi Anitha - my business is in the U.K and not the USA although I do get visitors from the U.S to my blog. I'm not sure why you posted this comment under this section as this form of therapy doesn't have much to do with the post. I'm happy to promote other businesses but obviously do not know your company and therefore cannot vouch for you personally.


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