Thursday 24 May 2007

Self-massage makes it easier to quit smoking

Studies have shown that self-massage of the hands and ears reduces anxiety and cravings in people going through the throes of nicotine withdrawal.

Come 1st July, when smoking is banned in all enclosed public spaces in the U.K, more people than ever are going to seriously think about quitting.

Take a look at this article from

Cutting to the chase - here are the massage techniques:

Massage for Reducing Smoking Cravings

Hand Sequence

1. Massage palm by using thumb of one hand to make circular motions in palm of the other hand.

2. Massage entire front of hand and length of each finger, from base to tip, using thumb and index finger of opposite hand.

3. Stretch fingers by gently pushing fingers up and back with palm of the opposite hand.

4. Press the "Hoku" point for 30 seconds by placing thumb and forefinger of one hand on webbing between thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand.

Ear Sequence

1. Apply light pressure, using thumb behind the ear and side of index finger in front, starting at top of outer ear and working down intermittently to ear lobe.

2. Use index finger to stroke in and around middle rim of ear.

3. Using light pressure, gently tug ear lobe.

4. Stroke back of ear using index finger.

5. Massage upper and outer areas of front and back of ears using thumb and index finger.

Source: Touch Research Institute

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