Thursday, 29 October 2009

Posture affects thoughts

Whenever I see an old person who is very hunched over, to the point where they are only looking at the floor and can't look forward at all,  I always wonder if they've had a very hard life.

The saying "you look like you have the world on your shoulders" is so true.  When we're troubled, worried, depressed or lacking in motivation we tend to hunch forward.  Sedentary lifestyles and the fact that many people spend 8+ hours a day chained to their PC's, leads me to believe that kyphosis caused by bad posture, will soon be endemic and start to affect people at a younger and younger age.

I found this interesting article on which says that posture also has an affect on thoughts  - it says "body posture can affect not only what others think about us, but also how we think about ourselves".

Learn more here.

This ties nicely into the holistic concept that the body affects the mind and vice-versa.   If the problem originates from bad posture there are many ways to reverse the problem:  yoga, Alexander Technique, Pilates, Rolfing  and massage to name but a few.


salt lake massage said...

Hey, love the blog. Thanks for posting the visual chat. excellent!

massage reno said...

Thanks for the excellent information! I am a big believer that massage helps with not only relaxation and aches and pains, but also with posture. I try to get at least one massage per month and I think it helps tremendously. Great blog!

hiddentiger said...

So glad you enjoy my blog. Thanks!

hiddentiger said...

So glad you enjoy my blog. Thanks!

lorrifauver said...

Great job! This one is an instant classic! Thanks for your information.


Massages Ayurvediques Marseille said...

Great information. Health is the foremost priority in life. A massage does wonders to the skin muscles and bones if done in a proper manner.

David Bustin said...

I've always found good posture makes you look taller and slimmer!! Like they say look good feel good!!

Thai Massage Expert said...

As a massage therapist I can tell you that regluar massages truly help the body (especially the back and spine). It's really becoming more of a necessity than a luxury. One of my favorite types of massage is Thai massage. It's one of the most ancient forms of massage and relaxation. :)

Liquid Rubber said...

Great info based post. like your post. keep sharing.


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