Monday 11 June 2007

Cow licks and lunch time pics

I was out walking around around Woughton Park in Milton Keynes today and a gorgeous, black cow came up to the fence and licked my hand. Cows are possibly my favourite animals in the world and this lovely, gentle creature inspired me to think about how fortunate I am to be able to commune with nature on daily basis. Aaaah - this is what I moved out of stinky, smelly London for. No more jostling with hordes of tourists around Piccadilly Circus every lunch time. Bliss!

Today I made a promise to myself to take a proper lunch break EVERY DAY - no matter what I'm doing, how busy I am or how tired I feel.

Here's what I propose to do. This coming week I'm going to take my camera out walking with me and take pictures of what I see. Be prepared for cows, sheep, swans, herons and wild flowers. My very own Milton Keynes springwatch.

I encourage everyone to literally "stop and smell the roses" during your lunch break. Do whatever it takes to drag yourself away from your desk and go for a walk. Engage with the world instead of focussing all your attention on a computer screen. Get the blood moving around your body. Absorb the natural light. You will also be a more focussed and productive worker for the rest of the afternoon.

The physical and mental benefits of making this small change will be both subtle and powerful.

I encourage readers to let me know what they did at lunch time today and even better send in a picture. I'll post them for all to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guru Mel - what a great reminder to us busy bees to pause and enjoy the moment. At lunchtime today, I read some blogs - which I enjoyed but not quite the nature watch activities that spiritual masters advise! By the way, cows are my least favourite country walk encounter - ever since A. and I were almost stampeded by an over curious herd in Northumbria... but you're clearly less of a wuss than I am!


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