Wednesday 13 June 2007

Lunch Project

The cows were all having a siesta, the sheep were suspicious and uncooperative and the swans were swanning around on the very far side of the pond. Therefore my photos are all of inanimate objects this time. I'll have to stalk the animals on a daily basis to shoot them at their best.

In the absence of the big boys I found myself looking elsewhere for inspiration. Such as noticing the snail on a creeper and the ladybird on the dry grass. Things I would normally pass by without seeing.

There's a saying which says "don't sweat the small stuff", which is a truism, however in nature, the small stuff counts!


Bridget said...

Hi Melanie, the point you make is simple but very important - being happy is all about being present, or in the moment (also called flow). One of the quickest ways of achieving flow is to really notice what is going on around you, particularly outside, in the environment. I loved this post, it evoked long, hot, lazy summer days. Thanks!

hiddentiger said...

Thanks for the comment Bridget and sorry for the tardy reply. I've just added your blog to my "blogs I read" section and also subscribed. Your blog is just up my alley as I'm interested in psychology in general but particularly how the modern workplace impacts on mental health.

nuru gel said...

Your blog is just up my alley as I'm interested in mental in general but actual how the modern workplace impacts on mental health.


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