Wednesday 8 August 2007

Neck Massage "Helps Blood Pressure"

This is an article published in the Evening Standard - London, 08.08.07

For many of us, it is the best way to unwind after a hard day's work.

But scientists believe a regular neck massage could also prove a life-saver.

It can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, research suggests.

High blood pressure, which often shows no symptoms, doubles the risk of dying from one of the conditions.

Researchers from Leeds University found signals from the neck play a key role in helping the brain maintain blood pressure, heart rate and breathing when we change posture, for instance by standing up.

When these signals stop - perhaps because the neck is stiff and not being moved - we can suffer from problems with blood pressure and balance.

Neck pain, often caused by stress, affects one in ten Britons at any one time, with three-quarters of us suffering from it at some point in our lives.

Writing in the Journal of Neuroscience, Professor Jim Deuchars said the breakthrough could also explain why those with whiplash injuries can experience a change in their blood pressure.

"This work also contributes to the understanding of postural hypotension - fainting which can be caused by standing up too fast," he added.

"The neck muscles could be part of the system which normally prevents this from happening by sending signals to the brain upon neck movement that posture has changed."

High blood pressure claims 60,000 lives a year and is becoming more common as Britons work longer hours and eat more fatty and salty food.

In April, the London School of Economics warned the stress of modern life could lead to an epidemic of heart disease, with half of Britons suffering from high blood pressure by 2025.

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