Wednesday 26 September 2007

Give yourself permission to be lazy

My running is a hit and miss affair at the moment. Due to demand for massage increasing [thank you my lovely clients] the spare time I have left for training is decreasing.

Therefore, to be realistic, I doubt I'll be training for the 2007 London Marathon after all. Which moron said that writing down your goal was the answer ;-)!

This dawning realisation could have made me decide not to go for a run this evening. The gathering clouds were a pregnant grey and the wind was chilly. Nevermind, I thought - I want to run anyway - no marathon goal and horrid weather aside.

Before I set off I gave myself permission to be lazy. Even if I ran for 20 minutes it was better than nothing. Even if I plodded along slower than normal, it didn't matter. I went out with an open mind, expecting very little from myself.

Lo and behold - helped along with banging techno on my shuffle - I completed a joyous 45 minute run along the canals and through the parks of Milton Keynes. At certain junctures on the run I told myself "you can turn back now if you want to" but that just seemed spur me on even more!

Allowing myself to be a slack ass had the opposite effect. I'm not sure this approach will work every time but I intend to apply this to other situations and see what happens.


Anonymous said...

I give myself permision to be lazy all the time and that usually means a 45 min snooze on the sofa....

hiddentiger said...

That's the spirit! Naps are a wonderful thing.


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