Tuesday 17 July 2007

How To Be A Good Client

Yes, you read it right – you, the client, has a responsibility to get the best out of your massage treatment.

One of the first things we learnt on the No Hands Massage Course was not how to be a good therapist. Instead it was how to be a good client. I love it when established methods of looking at something are turned upside down.

As a therapist how can I expect my clients to just breathe, relax and release if I don’t know how to do it myself? As a therapist I not only have to talk the talk but walk the walk.

So what does a client have to do?

3 rather difficult things:

FOCUS ON THE BREATH – notice the breathe entering and leaving the body

– that’s easy right? Wrong! If you’re not focussing on the breath, you may be thinking about the row you had with your boss or the chores you need to finish later. You won’t be truly feeling the touch. You’re not in the present but mentally in the past or the future

RELEASE – through focussing on the breath, feeling the touch and staying in the present both muscular and mental tension will melt away.... as if by magic!

Like most things this takes practise. The more massage you have the easier it will be to switch into “good client” mode and reap the benefits of transforming touch.


Anonymous said...

Would I be a good client if I fell asleep?

hiddentiger said...


In my opinion yes, if you fall asleep it means you've totally let go. You've surrended to the touch and listened to your body's need to completely tune out and rest.

Thanks for your welcome comments



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